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Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday Monday

So just why would a person do this? Granted, it is hilarious, and will get even funnier with age. But I think it has 'deeper' implications. It makes me wonder just what this person has tattoed around the other anatomically interesting parts of his/her body. I think it's a man, I mean, women generally aren't this interested in assholes unles they're are dating or married to one. Let's see how this person's thought process might have progressed: As a child, a random trip to the zoo taught the child not only about anal hygeine but also that monkeys do not care about gender. They will look at anyone's asshole, entranced as if something were about to fly out. Sometimes, even, they will try to pick at it, or put a finger right in. This got the child thinking about other anally implicated things, and possibly even lead to a breakthrough moment in which a gender related realization was come to. It could be a tribute. Or, due to the leather and still remaining price tag on the jeans(which a gay man would never leave there) possibly it is just a biker who has a thing for monkey ass. It just goes to show that crazy people do crazy things.
So since it is Monday I thought it would be appropriate to aknowledge the way I worshipped over the weekend, and where my tithe went. As we all know, I am having some trouble with the God Who Hates Sinners. I am dabbling a bit in Ganesh mantras, and as always, I believe that God is in everything, because everything is made of Divine Energy. Every time I ate another Margarita Jello shot, I imagined the God Energy as it rolled across my tongue. Then, for my tithe, I donated ten of my precious and divine Margarita jello shots to the King Elk to take to the 'Lodge'. That was more like 50% tithe, and since Baptists only require 10% I felt this was sufficient. Note to self: Do not make Margarita Jello Shots anymore on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

well.. that's just sick... sick sick sick... sick.. it's just sick.. making your belly button into a monkey ass hole.. I don't even know what to say except please pass me the pepto bismol because that's just sick. I am going to need brillo pads inside my head to clean it out now.. because I am getting all sorts of wierd images in my mind as a result. It's dirty too.. dirty and sick. That person is definitely a sinner. No doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Jello shots? How do you make jello shots? I want some jello shots.

Michelle said...

I know! It is sick. But so funny that I almost spit orange juice through my nose when I saw it.
Recipe: Jello Shots: use jello. Add liquor instead of all water. don't boil the liquor, or that will mess it all up. just boil water than usual and then add cold liquor at the end instead of water.

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