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Friday, November 11, 2011

The 'Pee Party,' Hooterville Style

I read what is called a 'plog' (all these newfangledy words, who the hell can keep up with this crap?) on the website for Kansas City's 'Pitch' magazine. The post was an apparently recurring hilarious and demeaning-for-all-concerned adventure into the world of KC'S public bar restrooms.

Then it hit me. I live in a small town, not far from a big town like KC, and we have one of the most interesting bar bathroom scenes around! What a perfect topic for this crazy blog! Of course this begs the question, why has this never been covered before?? We can't be sure, but it is clearly high time!

One of our most bizarre(bazaar) examples of freaky is the curious case of the completely crazy millionaire who built a museum quality over-the-top bar and then purposefully ruined it and abandoned it. It had great restrooms, if you don't count that there was only one stall in the women's restroom which couldn't be viewed on the scurvy hidden cameras that fed straight up to the sawed-off old cooter's apartment right across the street.

Then, there was the famous little Bar B Que bar that used to grace our main drag with the beautiful smell of smoked meats; known for not only the highly talented cook, but also the never-empty table covered in cards, ashtrays, and the ramblings of ancient rednecks in overalls, three feet from the ladies' restroom which was lovingly painted goose puke purple by the owner, a six foot tall red-headed, fully armed ex naval nurse lady.

There were at one time several bars here, but the only remaining drinking establishments are the VFW hall, the Elk's Lodge, one piss poor excuse for a bar and grill that no one frequents, and the gem of a small town, 'Winter's Bone', cowherding, creepy-townie, drunken-fat-lesbian-ladies'-nite bar whose restroom graces the rest of this page.

I love the owner of this bar, who ten years ago resembled a fifth runner up in a fat Ron Jeremy contest, but now looks like one of those Mexican Mariachi dolls made out of shiny orange wood, with painted black hair and a moustache. His persona is legendary baby! If the city officials didn't sort of minutely do their job, I'm pretty sure the number on the sign out front would read 1-800-COCK. There are lights in the ceiling, stripper poles covered in Meth whores, one hundred televisions with every sport imagineable, and the seriously awesome bathrooms you see here.

First of all, considering the average weight of the patrons (either farm-fed or very very thin) only one kind is fitting in this bathroom!

Appparently, according to one of the thinner patrons, there are no locks on the doors so the secret rolling of joints is less easy to accomplish, although it didn't seem to stop the chick from doing it.

This place is awesome, I mean just check out the art. It's so avant-garde that some creature has clearly lived it's whole life there on the bottom right hand corner, died at least five years ago, dried up, and hangs from it's own guts and webs, just blowing in the wind.

The men, in athe obvious spirit of an under-the-radar gambling, gun wearing, skoal sucking, small town ego trip get Clint Eastwood.

Once you walk two steps into the ladies' side, you notice in horror the well used and tired toilet plunger that doesn't even give a crap about hiding anymore, next to the Early-American-Horrid brown sink from 19-0h-shit.

Then, if you have a choice, which if you're drinking in this bar is questionable, you must decide between the stall with the whole door, or the one with swinging saloon doors. It doesn't really matter, did I mention no locks?

But the piece-de-resistance is definitely the ingenious toilet paper holding system. Of course it's on a pole!! You can't steal a roll, hell you can hardly even tear the damn paper off because its behind you, four feet above your head.

Despite the alarming state of where you are required by necessity to expose your privates, not to be confused by the rest of the place where it happens in vomit inducing, voluntary frequency, there are great times to be had. There is always unique entertainment, such as the ever present lesbian plus size catfight slash rubdown sessions, the loud swaggering debates between drunken pool leaguers over who sucks what and when, and occasionally a band.

For me, I avoid this place alltogether, unless I am out in support of a pool leaguer. And have a babysitter, which is as rare as a dirty martini in this town. My bar of choice is nine miles out of town in a two hundred year old Methodist church......where the cook is somewhat famous for the old days, the patrons are old-timers, rednecks, and fat chicks, but the atmosphere is friendly, the decor is dark and homey, and the bathrooms are clean. And the best part is, the restrooms have chalkboards in them where I, and anyone else worth their salt, can express their infatuation with the cook.....and what self-respecting, morally questionable drunk wouldn't like getting liquored up in church?! My kinda place, just sayin'.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why My Kid Won't Have A Facebook

Okay, so I haven't done this blog in a long time. Not because I went and got sane, or anything, but I have a whole passel of kids and want to make damn sure I don't end up on a complete parenting fail blog somewhere. There's one thing that really has me going these days. It's when some underage kid is posting facebook pics that totally make them look like a whore.

I could use my own inner circle for this, but they know where I live. I am amazed at the serious tramp pics that people 'like' and really, how can you like a 12 year old dressed like a street hooker from Jakarta?

What is wrong with these people? They have all their info listed, they have their kid's school groups, their pictures with GPS stamps....I mean how easy is the internet for pedophiles?? Someone hacker savvy with a taste for baby could easily know where your kid is any given school day.

Plus, kids are visual learners. They see something, and they believe it. So when someone online says they are a fourteen year old girl, how are they (or you) to know they aren't a forty-eight year old skeevy perv somewhere in his underwear with a drink and a handful?

This is why I limit the internet around here like the warden of a tiny prison. There is a multitude of vastly useful information on the internet that can be utilized for educational purposes, and that is the beautiful thing about it. That and the way it somehow ties people together, with a nonphysical way to say what you feel, no matter the outcome. is also the worst of the worst, combining cunning intelligence with speed and accuracy....and if you are a predator, it is like having a superpower. I don't post pictures of my children. OR myself. I don't allow them to have accounts anywhere. Until the age of about sixteen or seventeen, depending on the child, they are not even capable of protecting themselves in any way. That's my job, and I take it very seriously.

So I went to facebook just to prove my point, and let's just note that I have no hacking experience, despite the lunatic ravings of some seriously addled shortbus from down undah. I just did a search for some common girl names, starting with A. Here's what I got. And mind you, I just right clicked and was able to get these photos with no effort at all. If you find yourself or your daughter on this blog it's because the picture makes you or her look like a whore.

Abby. Does she look old enough to have a 'come hither' look?

Brianna. A stereotype is born.

Just for fun, Chastity. From malaysia or some shit....I guess we know what the rule of thumb is for other countries.....if they're still sucking it, it's okay to use another orifice.

And, last but definitely not least, Dawn. Cute. Looks like a Kardashian, right?

Some of society would think that's a good thing. How about lets ask those Kardashian girls how many perverts over the years have tried to get to them? Obviously, if you are famous, you have security, and bodyguards, and like, money and shit. But these little girls are not famous, and I am sure no one will ever notice them on my obscure little blog. But facebook is another arena, now isn't it.....?

If they do notice, and you find yourself or someone you love on this page, consider telling them to at least privatize their facebook pictures. If it's you or your kid, and you aren't too embarrassed to admitting to being showcased on this blog, then by all means, contact me and I will happily remove it, and replace it with another unsuspecting little product of society. Along with my snide comments, I am sure.

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