Ask me a question! Just do it! Ask me a freakin question!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Day After 'V' day

Well, I haven't been here for a few days, because there was some (obviously) crazy thing going on with my modem. Anyway, that's fixed and here we go again. So no surgery for me Friday. I called my doctor's office and asked very politely that if he's going to be in there with a camera for the tubal ligation, could he possibly look and make sure there is no endometriosis and if not, maybe see why I have had horrible cramps since before Thanksgiving that never go away. The nurse called me back, and so there is a big change of plans. Now, he is going to do a hysterectomy instead. And, if I have endometriosis he will gut me like a fish and try to get it all out of there. But, that is serious surgery, not outpatient, and means a few days in the hospital. Here's the way I see it. There will be drugs, and people will bring me meals. It's the closest thing I will ever see to a vacation, probably! But, being as crazy as I am, I started thinking...I should make a will, know, the whole mortality issue. I wouldn't care except for all my sweet little kids. I worry what would happen to them if I wasn't around. Then, of course, on top of finding all this's Valentines Day. It was fun. Not as fun, as say, dental work, but fun nonetheless. King God of the Elks actually made some effort, and brought flowers, candy for the girls and the baby, and a movie for them, and some movies for us. We watched those and then went to sleep. Wow! way to go boring self! Anyway, it was an effort. I can respect that.
So, no one, again, has asked a new question. I cannot believe that the entire world has access to my advice and yet, no questions. I am sure that I am not the ONLY know-it-all, but we need questions here. Serious questions. Give my some crap to work with, world wide web! Oh well.....last resort it is. I have a question.......


Anonymous said...

So. Tell me...why is that you will not answer my question. I have been asking it for a long time. I need to know, man. How long, exactly, do you plan to make us go without crappy greasy junk food?

Michelle said...

I cannot promise anything. I do know that if our ass gets any bigger, I will have to apply for a private zipcode and register as an ass offender. WE cannot eat the children's Valentine's day candy, that is just wrong. We are going to continue to lose weight, so that maybe King God of the Elks will want to be King God of Gretchen's Pants instead.

Anonymous said...

i have a question!

Michelle said...

Okay. You would think with that huge iq there would actually be a question in there somewhere, Offspring #1. But, the answer is no. And don't ask again! I've said no for the last time! haha

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is why you don't post some really good advice like.. how to kill yourself like a woman. There is a website that is "the best website in the world" and that website has a whole article on how to kill yourself like a man.. And I want to know how to kill myslef like a woman..

Anonymous said...
go here.. and see for yourself

Anonymous said...

to hell with how to kill yourself like a man.. and to hell with how to kill yourself like a woman.. what about how to kill yourself like a dog... like.. I dunno... how about wander out into rush hour traffic... or.. bite a kpolice officer on the ass.. or.. I don't know.. you are the crazy person.. not me.. how about it huh? huh? huh?

Anonymous said...

And what's all this talk about killing yourself.. why not how to kill someone else.. like a man.. I know a good way.. drop a blomb down his throat.. that's a good way. Or maybe you could.. stick a blomb up his ass.. or how about blomb his house with him in it.. or maybe toss a blomb into the window of his car as he is driving by? Blombs are good.. Blombs are loud.. Blombs are cool.

Michelle said...

Wow. Lotsa killing on this blog here today, folks. Too bad the people who get bombed are never the ones that need it. Like somehow, God has bad aim. Letsee. How to kill yourself like a woman: eat as much chocolate, junk food, whatever you want first, because damn. It's your last chance. Then, get into one of those uh, adult diapers.(this is so when you crap yourself and wet yourself when you die, it won't ruin the resale value of your car.) Then, get your favorite cd, whatever...then get in the car, shut the garage door, and sit in there till you fall asleep. One down, two to go. How to kill yourself like a man: This is much more difficult. Get married. Then, apparently, according to all men, you will want to kill yourself every day. And everyone knows, you can't ever get a man to do something unless it's something HE really wants to do. Blammo. Done. How to kill yourself like a dog: Eat dead things and cat shit and drink from the toilet and smile about it, bark, bark, lick up some tasty antifreeze...foam at the mouth a little and drop dead.

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