Ask me a question! Just do it! Ask me a freakin question!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Today is a crazy day

Today is a crazy day, folks. And by folks, I mean those of you who are not reading this, just me.
Obviously this is my first post here at Ask a Crazy Person. I have a question for myself....
"why do you stay in relationships that cause you pain and anger and feelings of futility and hopelessness?" Good question, self. The answer is, of course, that I am screwed up emotionally and I try to make things work long after they obviously aren't working. I try to please everyone, I put everyone else's needs in front of my own, blah blah blah. This, I feel, adds to my craziness. And my ability to understand other crazy people. Sometimes. So I have friends....who are also crazy people. maybe they will find me here and we can just talk crazy to each other. It might not solve anything, but never know. Stranger things have happened!


Anonymous said...

It's just me here. How do you ever expect to know what to do if you can not quit trying to make the good in someone outweigh the sucky stuff? Isn't that their job? Here's another observation....children also have no mercy and will never let up on you until they flat out kill you.

Anonymous said...

hello. i am of course one of those children. but other than me killing her along with offsprings 2, 3, and 4, i help out around the house. i try to pry the knives away from the offsprings' hands. it's a tiring job but someone should help her out sometimes...i mother is a wonderful person (crazy as she may be [crazy...]) and she does a wonderful job parenting us offspring. let's face it; if you got your vagina ripped open four times wouldn't you try to make something out of it?

Anonymous said...

Ok, so here's a quesation for ya.. If I inhereted a million dollars how should I spend it?

Anonymous said...

I am Anna Nichole's baby's father.. how do I cash in on that? Who do I call? How do I get custody?

Anonymous said...

So I went to this site, and I want to know if your house looks like this and if not why not.

Anonymous said...

And I want to know if you have some art posted here at this site: and if not.. why not?

Anonymous said...

and I want to know how you can call yourselfa crazy person if you are not sitting on this blog wfaiting for kpeople to post so you can answer there crazy questions.l have questions. I want answers.. not tomorrow dammit not next week.. i want them now. As the father of Nicholes baby I feel i have a right to some "special" treatment.

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