I like this guy. Cooking and Therapy combined.....and maybe a little VooDoo......

I must have Mr. Suicide the bathplug. Apparently he floats on the top of the water like some of Tony Soprano's unluckier and big mouthed cohorts.

I was thinking of an Easter Island theme....who knew?
For the little piggy you forgot.....the one hanging from your nostril.....

And who wouldn't love this one of a kind dog ass tissue dispenser?

OK, I have a question you can answer: when a wife tells her husband (or vice versa) that he is weird, doesn't it say just as much about her (or him) for marrying said person?
Yes, actually, yes it does. A weird person will tell you that they are weird, and that you are weird, and weird's a word that's weirdly weird. Weirdy weirdy weirdo hole, weird as a weirdo pocket mole, weird in sunny weirdo pants, weird as Chico Leiderkrantz.....See? I know weird.
And my guy is as weird as they come. So....you can only fathom what that says about me and him....and apparently....if you were called weird...oh well, you get the idea.
Pardon me for the weirdness, but I have been painting all night and I am sure the fumes have gotten to me. That or the six pack, either way....
I use pirana flossers.. only thing is.. mine are real.. love those little buggers
I married a wierdo
and I am perfectly normal.
You people are wrong.
Just wrong.
Wierdo? You are calling me a wierdo? I am not a wierdo! You are the wierdo.. you with your balls in your mouth all the time! Good Grief!
Children, stop it. That man is obviously hurting. Look at him. He is so cute! Hey Dorky Dad, I'll take care of you. I'll never call you wierd. Come check me out on the guest book! Call me later!
Oh my god! Mother! You have humiliated me again. I just can't stand it. Get away from me! And leave Muriel alone.
There see what you made me do? You got me so freakin upset that I signed my blog post "muriel"... I want a different mother.. I really do. Maybe I ought to go get that really cute little knife set.
I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it.
Huh? I thought this was a post about cute little kitchen gadgets.. you people are off topic.
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