Some people are really bad parents. I know that I have seriously thought about this one myself, although I never had enough tape to actually keep a squirming, wriggling kid on a wall for more than thirty seconds.

This is a friend of mine. The baby is not his, but the parents did not want to lose it so they had their address and phone number tattooed on his arm. Have they never heard of those child safety programs that they hold at the local mall where they take a picture and give you an ID card? (No actual babies were harmed in the making of this blog.)
I have never met this woman. However, the way she manhandles this child is disgraceful. I'd like to see someone do that to her.....but it would take a crane and a union crew to get her off the ground.
Mmmmm, tasty, Mom!!!
Children are sponges. They will learn everything you do, but will rarely do what you say. Except if it includes building new bad habits.
I just used a playpen with mine, but eventually they learned to climb out. This would eliminate that problem, but if they are anywhere near as smart as my cockatoo, they will have to put a padlock on the latch.
Maybe this child wasn't bathed properly before he came to the wildlife attraction. Raccoons are cheaper than Mexican nannies, and you can't understand anything they say, either.
This is how I always felt about my dad, too.
That's one way to corral a rambunctious youngster. Before I observed there were something like county fairgrounds around them, I thought they might be at church, because he seems to be praying. Maybe he is getting ready for the ring toss.....he has made kind of a ring out of the kids arm and pants.
Whatever your parenting style, don't take advice from crazy people. We obviously don't have a clue what the hell we're doing. Also, Brittney Spears should ignore this blog alltogether.