This is the way I feel when someone else wins the lottery. I always buy a ticket, but somehow, I have not yet connected with the God of the Lottery. The God that Hates Sinners sees gambling as a sin, and even a worse sin to pray to win. Somebody's in control. There's an energy there someplace. Obviously that little boy needs that fish more than her! Like that one old eighty year old couple that won like a bazillion dollars. For the limited time they have to enjoy it, yay. Good for them. But I think I could put it to better use, I'm sorry I just do. But that is the paradox of life and the attempt to retain balance while you learn to manipulate the energy around you and stay in flow with the Divine Energy. Obviously this little boy caught this fish or believed he should have, or thought she should give it to him because he was littler and had something to prove to somebody or someone to make proud. She's all uncomfortable, pigeon toed, also trying to make someone (Daddy?) proud...she would have taken that fish if she had to knock that poor little guy in the dirt. It's what we do. As children we compete for the attention of our parents.....as adults we compete for the attention of our God. I joke a lot about God, and the different perceptions of Divine Energy, but that is really just to get people riled up and fired off. Right now, myself and many others seek a spiritual way, or path. We ask for guidance from comfortable sources. And, we are looking at whatever works for someone else and trying that too. The next time that little boy goes fishing, I bet he ends up with the fish.
Today is House Day. I clean house as much as possible, and then get to watch the most abrasive and hilarious doctor named House. On a show called house. You get the idea.