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Friday, June 15, 2007


Have you ever felt like this?
Like if you just lay quietly, all the shit floating around in your head will go away?
It doesn't. I've tried lots of things. Basically pure exhaustion must win out eventually. Yet of course it must happen on a night when I have company coming tomorrow........

See, I used to live in a house much like this.

Now, I live in a house much like this. So I am no longer embarrassed to have people over for dinner. I am making a nice Father's day meal of pork tenderloin, cabbage and baby potatoes. Of course King Elk of the Elks won't be there, but my stepdad will. Not my real dad.....let's just say he's somewhere far from my children's social security cards.

Eventually, this is where I want to live. Yes, I realize it's a painting...and not even one of my own. But, there it is. Where I want to be.

And here is where I am......


Anonymous said...

I totally hear you. I too would like to live in a beautiful painting...

Anonymous said...

What's with the first picture? I see those things all the time. Everywhere, actually...

Anonymous said...

And I suspect that what you'll see, is there will be a momentum, momentum will be gathered. Houses will begat jobs, jobs will begat houses.

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