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Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Humanitarian Aid Petition

Do you see these people? They are starving. they are very thin, ribs showing, clearly malnutritioned. Ignore the head on a stick for just a moment. They are clearly hungry.

However, as they are cannibals, many humanitarian aid programs will not consider air drops to their location.

Now see these people? They are an example of what everyone has in their life at one time or another... jerks. They are assholes, they are abusive, they don't pay their child support, and a whole host of other general wrongs against their families and society in general.

I propose we start a website in which you can buy a seat on this 5oo passenger jet for your asshole. They will not need any luggage. Basically, they will be sedated then trussed, smeared with butter, a few choice fresh herbs stuffed into armpits and other crevices. The buyer may choose which fruit they would like stuffed up the passenger's ass, and in their mouth.
In the cargo bays, there will be plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, grains, wheat and corn.
Each passenger will be equipped with a self opening parachute, and all will be dropped over areas of severe poverty and starvation in cannibalistic tribal territories.

The price of the ticket will have to be high, because we will need to sell all seats, charter the airbus, and hire our own pilots. Preferrably pilots with a passenger onboard. Anyway, what do you guys think? I think Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, and Laura Bush might just sign on. And maybe Larry Birkhead.


Anonymous said...

You are clearly going to hell my dear. Clearly. Sinners need salvation not a plane ticket to Cannibal Country.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea, and I am going to buy the first ticket. I have someone in mind already... And I disagree that the price of the ticket will have to be high so we can afford to pay the pilots and the crew.. I think the price will need to be high because EVERYONE will want to buy tickets.. and we want those cannibals to stay just a little bit hungry.

Anonymous said...

Yes.. save me Rev Brillhart... save me...

Anonymous said...

I can't save you. Only God can save you.. and God hates sinners.. so just forget it. You are screwed. Why don't you stow away on that first flight?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Larry Birkhead, and what does Al Gore have to do with this?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

huh? lskshn and so jkela but slhtn besides aslk;gt not only that lask tas tslditha and after all l;asinbl as asldf rler ag so whta topt do atot you think???

Anonymous said...

huh? I think that guy is kinda cute.. all ribby and wild looking... my kind of man..

Anonymous said...

Humanitarian Aid? WTF?

Michelle said...

You people are hilarious. I don't even believe in hell.

If there is a hell, I've already been through vocational training for it.

I'm a good bartender.

And anyway....I'm absolutely positive there are other countries that have literally billions of hungry people.

We took McDonalds to Europe....and they became fast food junkies. Pair a feast like the fat ass I have in mind up with a village of starving people and they will be onboard quicker than spit.

(which would come in handy for cooking, too, that spit.)

The point is, maybe the answer to stopping world hunger is just to get rid of all the assholes in our personal area.

I like it.
It lets me think of a karmically good way to do something bad.
I think it is hilarious.

Igor....your poetry is sweet. Find another target sweetie I am completely done with all that love crap.

Anonymous...Larry Birkhead is the supposed father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, and he would probably like to butter Howard K. Stern up and shove a pineapple up his ass.
Al Gore is practically a communist and would like to get rid of anyone that doesn't share his opinion of things.

Anonymous said...

"and let the pineapples be shoved up their asses"
- Matthew 1:9

Anonymous said...

Uh... excuse me... but I am the father of Nichole's baby. You didn't know that?

Anonymous said...


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