Well, if this isn't God giving the finger, I don't know what is. I'm just glad it isn't pointing at me for a change, whilst booming laughter rolls from the heavens. I'm glad I didn't take this picture. I mean, I'm pretty sure already that I am on the shit list of the God Who Hates Sinners, and I would feel seriously f#%&ed if this formation appeared in front of me.
If anyone understands what Im saying please e-mail me at this e-mail address: mrpotatohead@hotmail.com
does anyone here bilieve that there are aliens in other planets? who really made us is there really a god? Im not saying there isnt but who made god? seriously please answer back at me
Yes, mr potato head, there is a God, and he hates sinners. Especially sinners who ask stupid questions and give out their email addresses so that any one in the world could spam them to death. Not only that, but God hates people who make fun of God by putting up pictures of God flipping people off in the form of a cloud. You people are all going to hell. So you better watch it.
Oh come on, be nice Rev Brillhart. It's bad karma to be mean to ignorant idiots on the internet.
ok, weio i soint wtpeu ioshtiotppa and also otiywie but witty-tye0 however 9emx. not 2-hjt-sjlke- sokgpos because woieah and =tht-voens that's b9eh0b final
You believe in the Almighty, and I believe in the Almighty. That's why we'll be great partners.
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