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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Something is Fishy

You know? I think this is what happened to my brain cells. At one time I had some, then some guy in waders came up and just freaking stole them. Or they fell out of my ear. Or they's so hard to tell. All I know is, when I found out that the guy was wearing waders and not stylish overalls, I felt just about like this poor large marine mammal and his treasured bucket. Look at the face. Utter shock and disbelief. like Parris when they said, "You have to drive an RV." or Nicole when they said, "You have to ride with Parris". Or my brother when the stick turned blue. Or me when the stick turned blue for like the thirtieth time, and I had only had sex one time that year. Now, granted, it was only March, but if you figure that actually, I had had no sex since the previous spring, I call that a year. Or f@#*ing frustrating, eihter way. This also reminds me of the look my brother had on his face that time he peed on the electric fence, right before he shot nine feet across the church parking lot. Absolute sheer surprise and horror. It was probably the funniest thing I ever saw in my whole life. Except the look on my mother's face when she realized that my brother had dropped trou in the church parking lot and was now sitting with a roadburned ass, smoking penis and hair standing on end bawling like a little baby. I remember going back in and digging all the change out of my purse and leaving it in the offering plate.....because only God could construct something that funny. (I had never seen George Carlin yet)((Or George W)). Oh well. All's well that ends well. Obviously one sperm got away least for now. And luckily found one of the better girls my brother has been with. At least this one does not have a steel plate in her head from a head injury with a car battery which she got from her ex-husband whom she shot and killed. I think all around, this is damn lucky. And, by the mom had this same look on her face when she realized that my brother had procreated.......


Anonymous said...

That was really funny. Not as funny as your life, but funny, still.....oh yeah and thanks for the extra fifty seven cents, that buys a lot of gum in Heaven.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Thats what I looked like in the mirror yesterday morning when I realized that I was going to run out of chocolate!

Anonymous said...






Michelle said...

actually it wasn't anonymous.

it was me.

my child pushed enter.

i wasn't ready.

Anonymous said...

"my child pushed enter, I wasn't ready"

That happened to me too... not just once but twice!

Anonymous said...

So what the heck does that mean, mom! I was 3 weeks overdue.. how could you not have been ready? I was pushing "enter" "enter" "enter" and you were flat out ignoring me.. that's what.. you never wanted me in the first place..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They made Parris drive an RV? Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Stick? did somebody say stick? who's gonna throw the stick? I wanna get that stick...

Anonymous said...

Dear God! It is time for a new post! Somebody make her post!

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